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Work Burn Injuries and Virginia Workers Compensation


Suffering a burn injury on the job can be extremely painful and life-altering. Work-related burns often require intensive medical treatment and extended time away from work to properly heal. If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury at work, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits in Virginia. 

At Slominski Law, we handle workers’ compensation claims for clients throughout Lynchburg, Roanoke, and all of Virginia. With experienced attorney Jaleh K. Slominski leading our firm, we are dedicated to helping injured workers get the maximum compensation they deserve under the law.

This general guide will provide an overview of work-related burn injuries and your legal rights and options for receiving Virginia workers’ compensation benefits. For guidance on your specific situation, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Attorney Slominski is eager to provide reliable legal service to you.

Common Causes of Work Burn Injuries

There are several ways employees can suffer burn injuries on the job. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Exposure to fires, explosions, or hot liquids or materials – Workers in certain industries like construction, manufacturing, and oil or gas are at high risk for burns from fires, explosions, or contact with hot liquids like tar or molten metal.
  • Electric shocks – Electricians, power plant workers, and other tradespeople who work with electricity face risks of electric shocks and burns.
  • Chemical burns – Exposure to corrosive or toxic chemicals can cause devastating chemical burns. This is a risk for those working with cleaning agents or in chemical plants.
  • Steam or heat burns – Restaurant cooks, factory workers, and other employees working near hot equipment or steam lines may suffer steam or heat burns.
  • Friction burns – Using power tools that rapidly rotate or vibrate can lead to painful friction burns on the hands or fingers over time.
  • Radiation burns – Doctors, dentists, or industrial radiography technicians working around radiation sources risk extreme radiation burns.

Employers have a responsibility to implement safety protocols and provide protective equipment to mitigate the occupational risk of burn injuries. However, accidents still happen and the injuries can be catastrophic.

Types of Work Burn Injuries

If you suffer a burn injury at work, a medical professional can classify it into one of the following categories:

  • First-degree burns – These superficial burns only damage the outer layer of skin. They cause redness, pain, and swelling.
  • Second-degree burns – These burns go deeper into the skin layers, causing pain, redness, swelling, and blistering.
  • Third-degree burns – These are severe burns that destroy the entire depth of skin and underlying tissues. Nerve damage may prevent you from sensing pain.
  • Fourth-degree burns – These extend past the skin into muscles or bones. They’re extremely life-threatening without urgent treatment.

Small first-degree burns usually heal without issues. But larger second-, third-, or fourth-degree burns require specialized medical care to prevent infections, permanent damage, or death.

Workers’ Compensation for Burn Injuries

Suffering catastrophic burn injuries that require months or years of medical treatment and rehabilitation can devastate your finances. The costs of surgery, lengthy hospital stays, expensive medications, and missed wages quickly add up. Fortunately, if your burn injury occurred on the job, you can file a workers’ compensation claim in Virginia to recover damages.

Workers’ Comp Benefits for Burn Injuries

As an experienced Virginia workers’ compensation attorney, Jaleh K. Slominski helps clients file claims after workplace accidents. A successful claim recovers the following benefits:

  • Medical expenses – Workers’ comp covers all reasonable and necessary medical costs related to the burn injury like hospital bills, doctor fees, medications, surgeries, and physical therapy.
  • Lost wages – If the injury forces you to miss extended work time during treatment and recovery, workers’ comp provides wage replacement benefits for lost income, usually 2/3 of the gross pay.
  • Permanent disability – If the burns cause permanent impairment or disfigurement that reduces earning capacity, you can get disability benefits.
  • Death benefits – If a loved one dies from severe work-related burns, their surviving dependents can receive death benefits.

Collectively, these workers’ compensation benefits can provide critical financial support when you need to focus on healing after a catastrophic burn injury. But to qualify, strict eligibility rules apply.

Eligibility Requirements for Workers’ Comp Burn Claims

To have a strong case for workers’ comp burn benefits in Virginia, you and your lawyer must establish the following:

  • The burn injury must have occurred in the course and scope of employment. If the accident happened off work premises or while engaged in non-work activities, workers’ comp will not apply.
  • You must promptly notify your employer within 30 days and file the initial workers’ comp claim within two years of the burn injury. Late reporting or claims can jeopardize your right to benefits.
  • There must be medical evidence from doctors supporting the burn injury and recommendations for treatment. Speculation or subjective complaints alone won’t suffice.
  • For burn scars or disfigurement claims, there must be documented permanent serious scarring or unsightly skin damage to qualify for disability benefits. Minor superficial burns that heal without scarring usually don’t qualify.

It’s critical to document how the burn injury occurred at work and follow all reporting and evidentiary rules. Otherwise, the workers’ compensation insurance company may dispute that the burn arose from employment or claim technicalities to deny benefits. Having an experienced work injury attorney on your side levels the playing field when negotiating your claim or appealing wrongful denials. Do not leave money on the table when you likely have legal rights to these important benefits.

Proving Work Caused the Burn Injury

As a Virginia workers’ comp attorney, the first issue that Jaleh Slominski addresses is proving that her clients’ burn injury directly arose from a work-related accident or occupational hazard. Without establishing this causal link to employment conditions, workers’ compensation coverage will not apply. Let’s review some common burn injury scenarios and what evidence can prove work causation:

  • For a grease burn in a restaurant kitchen, it’s invaluable to have restaurant incident reports and witness statements from coworkers who saw the accident. Our investigation at Slominski Law would also assess if there were any slippery floors or missing safety guards near hot stoves that may show an unsafe work environment.
  • If a construction worker suffered electrical burns from faulty wiring, we would obtain documentation on past OSHA violations related to defective electrical equipment on that job site. Expert testimony on whether proper safety protocols were followed is also influential.
  • For a chemical plant employee burned by a toxic spill, key evidence would be employer records related to safety equipment provided (or lack thereof). If respirators were not given to protect from corrosive fumes, the claimant’s case would be stronger.
  • Friction burns from a malfunctioning power tool can be evidenced by the manufacturer’s defect history for that product model. Testimony from engineers regarding design flaws also proves liability.

As you can see, extensive investigation and documentation is vital to prove work causation for burn injuries. An experienced Virginia work accident lawyer knows how to build these arguments to show that hazardous employment conditions or negligence directly led to catastrophic burns. Attorney Slominski has helped injured Virginia employees obtain rightful workers’ compensation benefits after burn injuries.

Documenting the Severity of Work Burn Injuries

Beyond just proving that a burn injury occurred on the job, it’s also essential to document the severity and impact of the burns in your Virginia workers’ compensation claim. The permanent damage, required treatments, and long-term effects must be evidenced to justify the benefits you’re seeking.

Attorney Slominski and our entire team can make sure clients’ medical records, doctors’ narratives, and expert opinions fully capture the true extent of their burn injuries.

For example, we would have a third-degree electrical burn carefully measured and photographed over time to demonstrate permanent tissue destruction and scarring. Graphic images drive home the gruesome nature.

We also obtain testimony from treating burn specialists regarding anticipated complications like nerve damage or loss of function. We can include detailed medical opinions and expert statements. Many clients downplay their serious burn injuries, feeling they “just want to get back to normal.” But settlements and awards directly hinge on showing clear proof of the catastrophic harm done.

As your Lynchburg workers’ comp attorney, Ms. Slominski handles these delicate matters with discretion and compassion. But documenting even the most graphic burn damage is necessary to maximize your payout and hold employers fully liable through higher premiums. It’s vital to to ethically but effectively negotiate top-dollar settlements for burn victims.

Statute of Limitations on Virginia Work Burn Claims

If you suffered burn injuries in a Virginia workplace accident, it is imperative to act fast and file your workers’ compensation claim immediately. Virginia strictly enforces statutes of limitations that place hard deadlines on filing work accident claims. You generally have just two years from the date of injury to file your workers’ comp claim or you lose all rights to benefits.

Missing this deadline is a top reason burn victims get unjustly denied the compensation they deserve. Life-altering medical treatments and years of lost wages hang in the balance.

The clock starts ticking the on date of injury – when the burn accident first occurred on the job per medical records or witness statements. Even if you did not feel serious pain for months later or the burns initially seemed minor before worsening, the law goes by the first date of injury documented after the accident.

Virginia shows no leniency for late filings. Unlike a personal injury claim, you typically cannot argue “equitable tolling” due to ongoing medical care or not realizing the full extent of damages within the two years. Strict cutoff dates apply for workers’ comp burn claims.

With so much on the line and unforgiving deadlines, do NOT delay consulting an experienced work injury attorney immediately after suffering serious burns on the job.

Key Steps After Suffering Serious Work Burns

Suffering catastrophic burns at work unleashes physical pain, emotional trauma, and financial devastation. When facing numerous doctors’ visits, possible surgeries, an uncertain future, and hospital bills piling up, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. These are immediate steps you should take after getting seriously injured on the job:

    1. Seek emergency medical care. This seems obvious but many injured workers downplay initial symptoms to avoid perceived hassles. Severe burns require specialized emergency care to prevent infections, fluid loss risks, or other threats from developing. Don’t take chances – go to the ER or call 911 immediately.
    2. Report the incident. Inform your supervisor and follow company protocols for reporting safety incidents. Failure to properly document accidents can hurt proving work causation later when filing your workers’ compensation claim. Ask witnesses to give statements too while facts are fresh.
  • Don’t miss doctor’s appointments. If your physician wants to do follow-ups or refers you to a specialist, it’s important to show up to those appointments. Skipping them gives the insurance company a reason to say your injuries aren’t so serious.
  • Consult an attorney. A single consultation with a workers’ comp lawyer can provide you with indispensable legal guidance. At Slominski Law, we provide a free consultation to assess your case. You lose nothing by reaching out to us.

How an Attorney Helps Maximize Workers’ Comp Settlements

You need an experienced Lynchburg work accident attorney to deal with aggressive insurance carriers. On your own, you may struggle to effectively communicate complex burn treatments, properly calculate lost earning capacity, and negotiate a just settlement reflecting serious disfigurement hardships. Having a fierce advocate gives you better negotiating power against corporations trying to minimize payouts at your expense.

Attorney Slominski is a Lynchburg-based workers’ compensation lawyer with over 30 years’ experience facing insurers. She and our entire legal team can strongly advocate for you through these services and more:

  • Thorough investigation of burn incident
  • Careful documentation, evidence-gathering, and case-building
  • Compassionate counsel to emotionally support you
  • Tenacious negotiation with the insurance company
  • Assertive litigation through the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission or in court if necessary.

At Slominski Law, we offer personalized attention tailored to your unique situation. Call today at (434) 205-9894 (Lynchburg office) or (540) 307-8478 (Roanoke office) for a free consultation. We proudly serve injured clients throughout Roanoke, Danville, Charlottesville, and all of Virginia.